Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We're Approved!

I went to the mailbox and found our approval (I-171H) form today!
 We have been waiting for this form since we had our fingerprints taken on December 21st! 
 This form allows us to bring an orphan into the United States on a visa.
And it is also the last paper work we need for our dossier.
 Tomorrow morning I will be first in line at the Fed Ex store to overnight our paperwork to our agency.
The next step will be dossier approval from Holt.
Crossing my fingers we did all of the paperwork right.

One step closer!

P.S. I was having a big ole' pity party for myself today.
 I have been so frustrated with how long it takes to get paperwork back in this adoption process.
 What a relief to see our letter in the mailbox today.
I thought I was going to spontaneously combust.
Not my finest moment. :(
Adoption is hard!

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