Saturday, September 25, 2010

Home Visit with Social Worker aka Susan

Yesterday afternoon we had our home visit with Susan our social worker.
 I thought I was being smart by purchasing the girls these hamsters called "Zhu Zhu Pets" to play with during the visit to keep them busy.
 Well that kind of backfired!
 I let the girls get them out of the box about 30 minutes before she got to our house thinking they would fight over whose was whose and how to work them before Susan got to our house.

On the hamster packaging it clearly states
 So I pull Danielle's hair back into a ponytail just to be safe.

On with the story.....
We see Susan pull into the driveway and I get up to answer the door when I hear from the kitchen


So instead of opening the door to our guest I run into the kitchen to find Danielle with a hamster stuck to the top of her head.
 And boy was it stuck!
 The hair was completely wrapped around the wheel with no hope of getting it out without scissors.
In the mean time Justin has opened the door to Susan and she walks in to find our child yelling because there is a Zhu Zhu pet stuck to her noggin.
Susan didn't seemed bothered by our little mishap (thank goodness) and I finally found some scissors to perform hamster removal surgery.
See the big yellow warning label on the bottom?!!

Here I am holding up her newly cut piece of hair. Thankfully it blends in pretty well with the other hair and doesn't look too weird.

The rest of the visit went well considering the girls were kind of spastic and showing off for the majority of the time she was here.

I have read on some other blogs about families prepping their kids for the questions that they will be asked by the social worker.

 Well I didn't do this.
 Even if I had wanted to, I know that Danielle would have said what ever she felt like saying regardless.

I just told Danielle that a lady was coming over and that she was helping us find her brother. I was really interested in hearing what she would have to say. Here are some of the questions and Danielle's answers.....

Susan: So Danielle, what is going to be the best part of having a little brother?
Danielle: I can share my toys. hee hee

Susan: What do you like to do best with your daddy?
Danielle: He likes to throw me up really high!!!
 (She then proceeds to jump off the couch to show her just how high daddy can throw her)

Susan: What are some of the things you won't like about having a new brother?
Danielle: I don't know

Susan: What are some of the things that Carley does that bothers you?
Danielle: I love my sister........
Me: (thinking inside my head) Awwww, good girl!

Susan: But what don't you like about having a sister?
(She was pretty focased on getting Danielle to answer this question)
Danielle: sometimes she is naughty and pushes and shoves.
Susan: So you won't like when your brother pushes and shoves?
Danielle: yes

By the time Susan was done, Danielle was calling her "Teacher Susie". Susan said "Would you like me to be your teacher?" And Danielle said " NO! You can't be my teacher, Mrs. Heaton is my teacher!"

Oh to say what is on our minds, out loud, with no fear!

Next week I have my one-on-one meeting with Susan and that will finish up the home study interview process for me.
 I think my life story will be in order for that meeting.
Fun, right?

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