Thursday, August 25, 2011

Positive Outlook

Quote from an article in from one of my fav bloggers Kelly Hampton.

"I am grateful and content, and I believe that having dreams and wanting more of life can successfully marry contentment and gratitude as long as you — as with any good marriage — stay true to your vows of “for better or for worse.” I believe our family will grow in time and that someday our Thanksgiving table will be loud and vivacious, overflowing with mismatched chairs, an assembly line of many hands that pass gravy and potatoes, and a cast of faces I love. But, of course, every aspect of my future’s fate cannot be controlled or planned. I have learned that in life — oh, have I ever learned that.
I look at my children with more awe, understanding that their growth from miniscule cells to extraordinary beings that breathe and move and reach for me is a miracle. They are gifts.
I guess the moral of the story is this: realizing that there are so many events and circumstances in our lives that are uncontrollable propels me not to worry and brew self-pity but rather to do something grand with the things I can control. I can slip out of bed at dawn every day and peek in to watch my girls, who will soon awaken with anticipation for the big things we will do, like take walks and make messes, color pictures and tell stories. I can count a thousand things for which I’m thankful at this very moment.  I can embrace the challenge of making a positive impact in the lives of my family, my friends, and the children I’m so blessed to call my own.
 I can dream and plan and hope for our future. Vacations, weddings, reunions, projects, parties — and babies. Because we do that in life. We hope and plan and dream…every day."

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