Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Yesterday We Went Without

Yesterday was TOMS shoes "One Day without Shoes" day.
I attempted to get the girls to understand that kids every where do not own shoes.
I tried to have them imagine living here with no shoes.
The little one wanted to keep her socks on so bad.
She has sock issues :)
So she only did it for a little while.

 Danielle and I are practically barefoot all of the time except for winter.
But yesterday it was cold and wet.
I think she got the idea of not having shoes pretty quickly when she wanted to go out and play.
She told me that she wanted to just bring the kids in Africa shoes.
I love her heart!

 I attempted to exercise without shoes too.
 I only made it half way and had to put them back on.

 Since it was really cold we wore our TOMS shoes to the store instead of going barefoot.

 In certain regions of Ethiopia, wearing shoes and practicing good hygiene can prevent podoconiosis, a disease that causes swelling of the feet and legs due to prolonged exposure to irritant soil. In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital, TOMS partners work with HIV positive and street children, giving shoes to protect them from the dangerous city streets littered with glass, metal, and even sewage.

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