Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Beginnings

Well, it's March!
This March I have decided to refocus my life on the present.

 I have zero control over the future so I am going to pour my WHOLE self into my family.
So this means I will not be blogging, emailing, checking adoption forums, or Holt's blog this entire month. Although I admit I checked Holt's blog this morning and there were 6 referrals this last week!
UGH! Last time. I promise. :)
These things feel like an addiction to me and I need to take a break from them.

I have been feeling lately that I have not been present with my children and I really need to change that.
They are here now, they need my full attention now.

The girls have turned a corner in there relationship together.
 There has not been fighting, hitting, and teasing.
 There has been playing, laughter, and shared imagination.
 I can not and will not miss it.
 Soon they won't want mommy all of the time.
 They are getting so big so fast and I need to put my energy into them.

Get ready kids, mommy's back!
(whether you like it or not :)

*if you need to get in touch with me in the month of March, call me.


  1. I wish I had your strength to resist! Have a wonderful time with your girls:)

  2. I totally get what you are saying. We just got on the waiting list so I am gearing down to be totally present in my life now.

  3. Thanks for your note. I know it's hard listen to all that's going on that's out of your control. And I also know this process can be frustratingly slow, but in retrospect, the year we've been working on our adoption (shouldn't have taken that long) went incredibly fast. My one piece of advice: just like pregnancy, birth, first steps, and all the wondrous things that we get to experience with the children God sends us the other way, this time of waiting becomes part of your new child's story. Don't get caught up in the process so much that you miss the amazing blessings that are a part of this journey; learning about adoption and a people/culture; seeing peoples' expressions and hearing their comments when you tell them what you're doing; the changes that come to your family as your new one becomes more and more a part of your life; the blessings you bring by allowing others to make a difference in their own way; the love you'll feel when people you don't even know reach out to help. The waiting is itself an amazing journey that (believe it or not) all-too-soon will be history. Live it well so that others may see your example and feel God's presence through your family's response to his call. God Bless You,
    Jenny & Chris Romano
