Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My to do list

Try to drop Danielle off at school but slide right past the drive because of snow-check
Late for school again-check
Drop Danielle at school- check
Fed Ex the home study to USCIS- check. Yippee!
Drive an hour in the first big snow of the year to get home study state certified- check
Give sucker to Little One ,aka Carley, in shoe store before lunch to keep her quiet-check
Get shoes for Christmas party-check
Find present for hubby just because-check
Slip slide back to school to pick up Danielle-check
Find out that I forgot to bring Danielle's snow clothes to school so she had to sit inside by herself watching a movie while the other kids played outside-check :(
nap for Little One-check
Take Danielle to dance class- not yet, UGH!
Remember not to talk to a certain crazy woman at dance class-check
dinner- yeah right!
haircut at 7 pm

SLEEP!- hopefully

 Hopefully without Little One waking me again from 12:30 to 3:30 swearing that she has to:
"Snuggle Momma" waaaaaa!
"I want milk Momma" waaaaaa!
"Sleep with you" waaaaa!
"I'm hungry"waaaaa!

It's been a crazy but productive day!

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