Saturday, December 4, 2010

36 Days!

Did anyone see Dateline last night?
You can watch the full episode here:
If you didn't they were talking about the situation in Sudan.
If you can't remember where Sudan is here is a little help:
Map of Sudan
It borders with Ethiopia!

Basically the south of Sudan is voting on January 9th to become free of the north. Over 2 Million people in the south are registered to vote.
But guess what?
 80% of the oil in Sudan is in the southern region.
So basically another genocide is about to happen as the 2 fight for what they want.
Another genocide you say?
That's right! Do you ever remember hearing about The Lost Boys?
 WARNING: Before you look at the video and pictures linked to Darfur, I want to let you know that the images are EXTREMELY graphic!
This will happen again! So what can you do about it?
Please help bring awareness!
Please sign the petition for the United States to take action!
Or contact your Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives and let them know you care about Sudan.

Please put my post on your blog!  Raise awareness!

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