Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Early morning talk with a 4 year old

Danielle crawled into bed with me this morning and this was our conversation:

Mom, what is our brothers name going to be?
What do you think it might be?
Banana is not a name for a person, silly.
Okay...well... maybe it will be Trayka
Trayka! That's a very interesting name.

I then asked her what color eyes she thought he might have
And what color hair do you think he might have?
Blue...hee hee

And do you think he might wear diapers?
Yes, but we will have to buy tiny ones for his small little booty!

Are you going to help mom change his diapers?
She thinks for a while and then makes a funny face and gags. No way!

Danielle is known for gagging over the littlest things. From the way her sister eats her food to the way something smells. She even threw up at the gym daycare because she saw a little boy get sick.
 Sympathy barfing, that's a new one

What do you think his favorite thing to do will be?
He is going to chew on everything

How big do you think he might be?
Small enough to fit in my hand
That's too small even for a baby, honey
Well maybe as big as your face..haha

End of conversation

I thought about emailing our social worker and telling her to add to our home study that if they find a brown eyed, blue haired, Ethiopian child named Trayka, whose booty is small and is as big as a mommy's face that we are the perfect family for him. But he must love to chew on everything.