Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Here is a little rundown of the big day:)

I had gone to visit my mom for the weekend because my hubby was volunteering at a triathlon. Right before we left my mom's house she said she wanted to pray for us and our future son. So I said okay....just knowing I would be bawling....lets just say that the last few months had been a tad difficult in the waiting department. So she prayed that God would release our son to us, the floodgates would be opened....insert me crying.....then she said she wanted to show me this music video. So in my head I am thinking "what is she doing? This will make me feel even worse!" So she brings her lap top over and plays the video to the song Waiting Here For You by Christy Nockels. Here is the video:

Keep in mind that I had never heard the song before. So of course it makes me cry watching it because I had gotten to the point in this adoption that I had given up. The mountian I was climbing was too high. I had to turn it over. My idea of how things were suppose to happen had to be thrown out the window. I was going to try and be happy even in waiting. I was trying so hard to be patient.

So on Monday I drive home, sad.

1:30pm Tuesday August 28th 2012

It was a beautiful day out. Partly cloudy mid 70's. Perfect Michigan weather

I took the girls to their swim lessons like normal for a Tuesday morning. After coming home Danielle said Carley was resting in her room. I didn't think anything of it because she does this sometimes. All of a sudden she flies out of the house to the neighbors. Also not uncommon so I think nothing of it. A little later I had decided to clean up the girls room. And found this:

Carley had butched cut her hair!!! Ugh! Guess we will have to deal with that later because I need to get her to her Dr.s appointment.

    Carley 2012  


Mary Lou Retton 1984!                                                                           

This was the after shot of how we attempted to fix the hair. Guess she will be sporting SUPER short bangs for a while:( At least she could have a career as an old school gymnast. lol
Okay so I get the kids rounded up and I am driving on interstate to the Dr.'s appointment. I didn't like the song that was on so I changed the station. All of a sudden I hear the same Christy Nockels song my mom played for me the day before-Waiting here for you! I had never heard it on the radio ever before so I turn it up pretty loud and of course start crying.

Part way through the song. I hear this weird noise. Hmmmm....what is that??? I look down at my phone and it is ringing!!!!! AND IT SAYS ON THE SCREEN.....


That weird noise was the "special ring tone" I had set for them jingling
Oh the many days I have dreamed of hearing that ring tone and it was finally happening!

Telephone conversation with the director of the country program

Pat:Hi. Is this Kristel?
Pat:Well that depends on what you are waiting to hear about? hee hee
Me: silence (DO NOT joke with me lady)
Pat:Well we have a little boy for you and Justin!!!

I don't even remember what I said after that. Lots of crying and laughing and freaking out

Me: how old is he?
Pat:A little over 2 years old

We then talked about his name which I will share with who ever wants to know off line. We are not allowed to show pictures or give identifying info over the computer until after he comes home.

Me: Oh I love it. I think we will keep it
Pat: Yes it is a good name. hee hee

At this point I hear the girls say "I think she is laughing" Who is she talking to?"

We then talked a little more about what part of the country he comes from.

Pat: We will send you an email with his info and picture. He is so cute Kristel!

We joked that it was very convenient that I was on my way to the pediatricians office and could just hand them little brother's info

After I hung up the girls were like"What the heck was that?" I told them that they had finally found their baby brother!!!!! More squealing and questions. I can't believe I was driving the whole time during the call and didn't just totally crash into someone or something! I recommend pulling over if you are in the car when you get your referral. Probably safer! ;)

I called Justin and told him that Holt called! Just so happens that he had to go to Holland for work for the afternoon so he wouldn't be home for a few hours. AHHHHH!!! We had agreed earlier to open the email together so we could see little brother's picture at the same time.

Here is a pic of the girls at Carley's appointment just after we found out:) They were blowing kisses up to God thanking Him for their baby brother. Too cute:) Danielle was making funny noises while we sat there because I had told her to wait to tell peeple. I would tell the doctor. lol This was very difficult for her.

Justin finally came home around 4:30 pm. Took some major restraint not to open the email knowing it was just there waiting.

 pat on the back to me for a job well done:) I didn't cheat!

Girls went to the neighbors and we opened the email and saw his sweet face for the first time. He is so beautiful! Oh the lashes! We are in love and I can't stop looking at his picture.

When I called my mom I think she was in shock or that I was kidding because at first she didn't say anything. And then she said "you are kidding?!" Once it started to sink in she was so excited and also said she loved his name.

Girls came back from neighbors and we video taped them seeing their brother for the first time. It was so great.

His birthday is the same day as my Grandpas! My Grandpa passed away this past fall so it is so great to have baby brother share the same special day.

On Wednesday we called an officially accepted his referral and sent in more paperwork. We were just notified that it made it to our agency and that it was all done correctly. Hallelujah! They said that they will notify the in-country staff that little brother has been matched with a family! Now we just wait (some more. haha) for a court date to go and see him!!!! I can't wait to hold him in my arms for the first time and look into those precious, beautiful eyes I have dreamed about for so long.

We are so blessed to be little brothers family!!!


  1. Awww:). I love your girls' enthusiasm for their Lil Brother! And the haircut is great - classic, lol. Congrats again:)

  2. Tears lots and lots of tears. Congrats mama x 3.

  3. Such a great story. I just love referral stories! Everyone is so perfect. Hope the next part f your wait is speedy. Congrats!!

  4. Oh, Kristel! I am SOOOO happy for you all :) I could barely read your story through my tears and smiles.

    Granpa is smiling down on you and your beautiful family (ALL 5 OF YOU :)

    We're sending hugs to you from across the miles. Your wait to get him in your arms is almost over!!!

    Love and miss you

  5. so happy for you! I seriously bawled reading this! Great news!!

  6. Congrats! Thanks for commenting on our referral. It is amazing how much we have in common! We also have two little girls and are waiting for our little brother who is a little over two years old. And, this part is son's birthday is also my grandpa's birthday too! I looked for you on Facebook hoping to get in contact but couldn't find you. Are you on? Can you find me? Or, email me. I would love to keep in contact. Maybe we will travel at the same time!!
