Monday, July 18, 2011


So I tried my hand at some Ethiopian cooking this past week and I have to say that it turned out really well.

Ethiopian food takes time but it's fairly easy to make.

This week I made Doro Wat (the red blob in the pic) which is spicy chicken
Mesir Wat (orange blobs) which is made out of red lentils
 Yatakilt Alicha (blobs with carrots in it) which is veggie stew
and Injera (flat looking pancake) which is a flat sour bread

The best part is it makes enough food for 4 meals
 (the kids didn't like it so 4 meals for 2 people)
I just froze the left overs.

The injera was a little more tricky as it takes multiple days to make. The batter has to sit out for a few days before you use it to get that sour taste.
 It reminded me of Friendship bread.
 Really stinky when you finally open it up to cook it.

Danielle called it Africa bread and didn't like it.
  I'll try a different injera recipe next time in hopes that she will like the new one better.

We are coming up on 6 months on the wait list this week so this is one of the ways I am keeping busy and feeling closer to my baby boy.
 There have been some recent setbacks with our agency so it look like we may be waiting more like 12 months for a referral of a child. :(
So half way there, right.

Justin was a good sport and took the kids outside while I cooked to play in the pool. This was the result of 3 hours in the hot sun having fun......
Carley came in, layed on the couch, and immediately fell asleep.
Good thing she was using her blankie because she was "as free as the day she was born" under it.
She didn't even have enough energy to put on her clothes

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